
Sunday, 25 October 2015

Black Maca Powder

Based on the research we cite above, Black Maca is sometimes considered as “men’s Maca.” We often receive questions asking if women can also take it. While Black Maca does work better for male fertility and libido than other Maca colors, women can and do take it regularly. That’s because Maca, regardless of color, does not contain any hormones. Instead it stimulates the body to acheive a healthy hormone balance.

Black Maca, raw and gelatinized, is our second best-selling Maca and our experience combined with the research above leads us to recommend it for:

  • Men wishing to increase their fertility (women should try Red Maca for fertility)
  • Men wishing to boost their libido
  • Athletes looking for extra stamina and strength
  • Anyone looking to improve memory, concentration and focus skills with Maca
  • All people taking Maca to improve their bone strength and density
  • Exclusively for Men

As mentioned earlier, this other lesser-known type of Maca Root has one particularly unique benefit to it: the ability to increase sperm counts in men, as well as sperm mobility.

With so many couples unable to conceive and the overall hormone balancing effects of Maca that have been well-documented, it makes sense that people should give Black Maca a try if they’re having these issues.

In addition to the sperm count benefits, Black Maca has many other advantages:

  • Helps to reduce the stress
  • Is the best of all Maca agents against fatigue and adrenal stress as per the research done on Mice
  • Increases memory in Mice
  • Is also act as a natural Anti-Depressant

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